Miscellaneous items? - Junkyard Tycoon Answers for Android (2024)

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Miscellaneous items? - Junkyard Tycoon Answers for Android (1)

  • Developer: Lana Cristina
  • Publisher: Lana Cristina
  • Genre: Board / Card
  • Release: Sep 14, 2018
  • Platform: Android
  • ESRB: Not Set


Question & Answers

Miscellaneous items?

What are they for other than the building materials for the repair projects. Seems impossible to ever get enough to complete a repair

Hagz, Nov 13, 2017

Answers (Closed)

Answer from: Playingjunkyard
You can sell any of the misc items (Hint: Don't sell those that are specifically needed for building upgrades (i.e. wood, stone, nails, brick, concrete, or glass))

The "value" changes every 2 seconds. Some are worth more than others! Tip: Don't take the first price you see (unless you already know it's a high value for that item), let it change a few times so you can get a feel of the top value of that item (max value isn't displayed)

Nov 14, 2017


Answer from: Mat316
What car give you glass for building repairs or its random

Dec 3, 2017


Answer from: Jakedog
I belive it's random

Dec 16, 2017


Answer from: BukanAnonim
You can get glass from crafting at recycle factory,

Dec 17, 2017


Answer from: Charlie
Still need this answer, you can get any other item you need other than concrete. That stuff is like it's got an intergalactic shortage.

Dec 19, 2017


Answer from: Kenkeri
Has anyone actually repaired the mechanic school? My thoughts are they have not developed the game that far yet so they prevent you from getting enough concrete on purpose until its ready. I have all supplies ready except for concrete. Have been playing for two days, not a single concrete was made available. I'm at 58 of 125 required...

Dec 24, 2017


Answer from: Stavros
I would imagine all the misc items will be required once the mechanic school is repaired although i'm om level 17 and i have only 34 cement i reckon ill need to play this game for another 4 months before i have enough cement to repair it

Dec 29, 2017


Answer from: Cameron
I'm havin the same problem I have 59 concrete and I'm on level 17 as well just slowly losing my patience.

Jan 10, 2018


Answer from: Transman
I am having massive trouble with glass concrete have heaps of that but not glass cant build anything without it

Jan 14, 2018


Answer from: Aza
Glass can be made in the recycling center

Jan 15, 2018


Answer from: Vett
I am in need of concrete as well have everything else, I guess I'll have to TRY to learn some patience if I want to continue to play

Jan 15, 2018


Answer from: Ducky8888
Not knowing I needed all these parts I sold off the first few car loads. Now I've got 5 glass and need 5 more before I can build the recycling center, but cars won't drop glass anymore.

Jan 16, 2018


Answer from: Bokkie
The game says to me that coming soon vehicle repair coming soon how soon i want to know please. Thanx

Jan 18, 2018


Answer from: Skutz
I have the necessary concrete, other supplies, and 10,000 cash and it won't let me update the mechanic scoop. Why?

Jan 22, 2018


Answer from: Junkman
One too I have everything for mechanic school but can't build it. Do we need to have enough for dealership first or something?

Jan 29, 2018


Answer from: Rob
I would like to see an open trade market with other players i think that would be really good for the game

Feb 6, 2018


Answer from: Mr. Mandude
That double tap "Cheat" Is not really useful though, you double move cost and buy price for nothing, the car dissapears when you send it to the car baler without granting the option to sell parts and squeeze scrap out of it. Just a heads up ;) At best it can be used to gather small amounts of exp points, mind you this is a very expensive option xD

Feb 6, 2018


Answer from: Shurmz
I have been playing this game non stop for 3 days now and only found 1 glass I have loads of money and other s#$t just no glass what is going on can't do nothing with out glass only want to repair the recycled centre

Mar 4, 2018


Answer from: Babygurl
After a few mins of playing and loading that baler with hunk of metal, the next time u load it, quickly go into watching for free diamonds... That quick 15 to 50 sec video will glitch the slasher and even a half hr car will be done in seconds... Be sure to watch the entire video for this to work... Again, it only works after a few mins of playing and at least one car done prior

Mar 8, 2018


Answer from: BriLyn
I have everything to unlock the school including the cash but it won't unlock. What am I missing?

Mar 13, 2018


Answer from: Unhappy
Repair school wont unlock i have enough to get it but it wont repair

Mar 26, 2018


Answer from: Blunder
Once you do unlock repair school, be prepared to have and raise tons of cash and diamonds to get through learning the 10 levels available. As a trial run I repaired the Remauld Gio which cost energy and resource items picked up dismantling. Once repaired I received an expected notice that I must unlock the sales lot to do anything with the Gio. At this point...no way to ever collect enough concrete to be able to unlock it.

Apr 10, 2018


Answer from: Xemx
I'm at level 19, and after I've made it the school it's useless to Arrange cars when you can't sell them couse you first need to repair the showroom. So you have to collect the building material but cement it's very difficult to obtain after 2 weeks I'm still at 34

Apr 28, 2018


Answer from: Icedsteel
The best way I've come up with, for now, for concrete is when u part out a car and u get a bonus item, if its concrete, use the x2 button under it (use 3 diamonds) but it will give u double the concrete offered.

Apr 29, 2018


Answer from: Gamegrinder
I have been playing about 9 months on n off. I have only two additional buildings bought. I've paid into the game. It's stupid how hard it is to get building mats. But it is doable, the game has been finished so no ur not being stopped from doing it. It just takes extreme time.

May 22, 2018


Answer from: Choncon
For concrete and other building materials you should buy car like remauld, koyote and fiyad.. i have notice koyote that its price 200 above ALWAYS have concrete or glass.. dont forget use 3 diamonds for multiply their amounts.. ini ini level 14 and already repair school building.. just be patiance guys

Jun 9, 2018


Answer from: FrustratedTycoo
Everybody keep saying you can get glass from the recycling center. But nobody seems to want to tell how to get the glass required to build the recycling center. I have never once had a car drop even one glass. How am I supposed to build anything without It? How do you get glass, aside from the recycling center?

Jun 14, 2018


Answer from: Ng
Has anyone notice witch car gives more concrete

Jun 18, 2018


Answer from: Billy
The glass comes from scrap metal at recycling center. The thing is counter intuitive. The items you select are whet you will get out...

Oct 24, 2018


Answer from: Hammey
I am playing this game for a while now. I am on level 13 with loads of cash. I have enough glass but don't have enough wood, bricks, and concerete. Also, purchasing bank gives you nothing at all. It just shows your transactions. There is an option for stock markets but it's on coming soon. I have concerete, wood and brick factories but they are all "coming soon ". For the glass question. I don't know how I got them but I have them. You Can also use scrap material in recycle centre to make glass for 200 $ and 10 energy

Oct 28, 2018


Answer from: Carz
Personally I save my illegal items n don't sell it for anything but what I'm needing for builds that r hard to come by... After reading about the school I think ill just build up my supplies n do the showroom at the same time...

Oct 31, 2018


Answer from: Geth
Thanks alot FrustratedTycoo, that's exactly what i was thinking while scrolling through this page and why i came here in the first place. I can't believe everyone repeats the same answer and noone mentioning that you actually need glass to build the recycling center in the first place!

Nov 3, 2018


Answer from: Pocoyo
To make glass you need scrap metal and $$ in the recycling center

Nov 3, 2018


Answer from: Doc
How does the recycling centre work not long started nd got that open but not a clue on how to work it?

Answer from: Amir
Alright guys... See that tge cheap cars gives u most of the building materials, I build the recycling centre and if everyone eas looking and see that concert is very hard to get you should have build the concrete factory second after building the recycling factory. That is how I am doing it, I realize the problem so I started over and the more car you buy the more opportunity in finding stuff

Nov 11, 2018


Answer from: Steve
The new stone quarry takes the tools, diamonds and money but does not produce the stone, so be careful

Dec 1, 2018


Answer from: Jb
What to do with the weapons ?

Dec 1, 2018


Answer from: Kevroy
JB, if you get the weapon it will be in your warehouse. Just wait for the popup window and you will get offers for them. I sell them for electricity

Dec 1, 2018


Answer from: Kevroy
What is up with the concrete factory. It costs like 30,000 to produce 2 bags of concrete

Dec 1, 2018


Answer from: Kevroy
Level 2 concrete factory. To make 1 bag of concrete: 30,000 2 hrs 47 min. Once you get to the point where you decide the cost is ridiculous it's too late. You are charged when you cancel. I need 10 bags of cement at $500+ per bag to make 1 bag of concrete. Then I need 12 buckets of water at $500+ per bucket, 12 buckets of sand at $500+ per bucket. Am I making gold or concrete?

Dec 1, 2018


Answer from: TimTam
Guys i found a loophole go buy 1000 soldering irons for the minimal price of 5$/unit sell them immediately for up to 50$/unit you can make up to 45000$in couple minutes

Dec 6, 2018


Answer from: TimTam
Also dont sell your illegal items right away... Cancell offers till they offer you some building materials

Dec 7, 2018


Answer from: Dking78
TimTam where are you going to buy soldering irons at? The option is to sell not buy that I see? Tell me more?

Dec 8, 2018


Answer from: TimTam
Dking78 Go to warehouse select the soldering iron in the screen where you can sell you should have a purple buy button in the upper right corner...

Dec 10, 2018


Answer from: JayVay
TimTam, that's a great catch. Sensors are good for that, too, although not as good as soldering irons. Sensors it's buy for $5, sell for $40. Also, I noticed that when I started a second company, the diamond bonuses I got for leveling up in the beginning carried to my other company. I snagged 50 diamonds for my more mature company pretty easily by starting, leveling up, and deleting new companies. (Seemed like I could only have 2 at any given time.)

Dec 12, 2018


Answer from: Den
Anyone can help me for any clue that found the "glass", I can't reapair recycling factory..I have try to buys random cars and any deal for "black" item but still don't have any answers and found it... Thanks for your answer...

Dec 16, 2018


Answer from: Deerooz
Hi Den. same here, I am lvl 13 and I havent got single glass so far, so I cant repair recycling factory. going to gave up this game full of balance bugs

Dec 27, 2018


Answer from: FanPan
Hi there ! i play the game for 1,5 months now.. and i have riched lvl 19 to 20 (need 50k) for next lvl.. anyway i manage to repair all buildings except whitehouse cose is not ready wet.. and the showroom cose i need 90 concrete to make.. at the factory..


1. one's you have 1 unit from any item you can see it at your warehouse.. so you can select it and bay as meny you like from it, by pressing the perpul button at upper right..
the first buildind i repair was recycling factory so i could make materials like glass and nails wish i needed them in nombers and is hard to get 1000 nails for a factory.. the second was concret, third was brick, forth stone and fifth wood factory..those are the materials you can't bay at the warehouse market..of course dont forgete to repair the Oasis and the Field of Dreams.. extra energy is something you need...
2. bay everything small, like you are in lvl 1.. you need every car you can repair.. even the bonus cars...
3. with $ bay all parking slots you can and they are available for $. the same do it for the repair ramps..

good luck to all of you !

Dec 30, 2018


Answer from: Dusty
Ive found that the required building materials are just placed in random cars. So what ive been doing is buying as many of the cheap low energy cars as I can just to get the additional items... not too concerned about making a large profit of each car... but more interested in scoring the extra items in there... the more you dismantle the more chance you have of finding the hard to find things like bricks and concrete. Then every 10th or 15th car I buy will be an expensive one just to keep the cash rolling in. Ive set up the recycling plant and the stone quarry so I can now make most items for buildings... next buildings on the agenda are either the farm, oasis(for increased energy )or the cement and brick factories... haven't decided which way to go just yet. But yeah.. if you find bricks, cement and wood in cars.. double it up by using diamonds.

Dec 31, 2018


Answer from: Dusty
Also... you're better off spending extra dollars on ramps instead of parking bays... as you can park a car on a ramp while youre waiting for your energy to come back and you can also use it to strip cars.

Dec 31, 2018


Answer from: UltimateWarrior
I've used diamonds to double what I get inside cars to be able to get the concrete plant and brick plant. Watch videos for extra diamonds.Then just kept making blocks and now have the dealership. Pretty much topped out now. Just waiting for an update.

Jan 9, 2019


Answer from: Payroll
I have unlocked all buildings. Getting the last of the concrete was a chore. I found that buying materials (water, sand, etc) in bulk was ideal. I would do the 4 h run for one concrete AND add a worker that gave a 5% quantity boost. As a result I got 2 concrete for the price of one. I eventually geared up to the 2 h production but never used diamonds just a lot of ca$h. My big problem is making repairs. If you run out of commodity (I am currently out of glue sticks) you can't buy more until you have at least one. Do NOT run out of steel bars or hacksaw. Make sure you don't go zero on the consumables.

Jan 23, 2019


Answer from: Zed
The gamle suddenly stopped working. Lvl 19, only got the dealership left to repair and every time I try to start the game it freezes at the JYT intropage with the blue sky background and will not start. I'm waiting for an update that hopefully will fix it but none so far. I've invested a lot of hours in this game and really want to finish all the buildings. Anyone who's experienced the same?

Jan 24, 2019


Answer from: Tipchook
Yes, I just shut my phone down and restarted it and the problem was fixed.

Jan 30, 2019


Answer from: Arud
I i got trick to get big money just bui iron soldering in lowes price and then sold it at max price. rang buy and sell about 5 and 50

Mar 5, 2019


Answer from: TolerancEJ
I've only been playing for this weekend. I have 5 parking spots available and 4 Ramps. Energy seems to be the main dragging point. I unlocked the Recycling Center, Oasis, & Field of Dreams. Which building(s) should I focus on next? Stone Quarry, Forestry, Brick Factory, Concrete Factory, Institute or Showroom?

Mar 5, 2019


Answer from: Shedtastic
Hey Payroll, that's a good comment about making sure you don't go to zero on certain consumables. I have a question for you: at the car dealership do you u understand what influences the top price you can get for a completed vehicle? I rebuilt two 1050 tractors, the first one I got over $300k for but the second I only got $150K for, even though in both cases I chose to wait the longest amount of time to get the best price. Also, does using a higher level diagnostic too, mean that you use fewer consumables to complete the rebuild? It seems like I used to spend all my time saving to make CONCRETE, now I just make glueguns...

Mar 9, 2019


Answer from: Col97
I have no buy button on warehouse screen?

May 21, 2019


Answer from: WalczakL
I need steel rod and it ask me a hacksaw to produce it. Ant to produce a hacksaw it ask me... yes..: steel rod... I can't do anything

Jun 14, 2019


Answer from: Confused
Hi. I recently downloaded JT and I created one account where I had a few parking spaces and ramps and whatever. Then I accidentally deleted the app and had to restart. No biggie. The problem is, my new account is level 12 and I still have not gotten a single piece of glass. Like seriously is it that hard? I need 1 glass to get the recycling plant and I can't even find one. I have 13 concrete so it's not that hard for me to get but how can I not find any glass?

Jul 14, 2019


Answer from: Confused
I'm a little weirded out right now. I literally got a piece of glass right after I posted that last comment XD

Jul 14, 2019


Answer from: Tural
One of repair materials can't be crafted. This material like a plastic ruler. Every car needs this part to be repaired. So i forced to stop playing

Aug 20, 2019


Answer from: Mattyb84
If it cant be crafted it can be bought i have opened everything

Aug 24, 2019


Answer from: Billy Jacks
I found a couple good tips/cheats. One is for as much $ as you want to put time in on. You will need the soldering iron or the sensor. Go to the warehouse and select either one...(soldering iron will give you more $ in return). Click on th purple buy button at to right. Buy as many as you have the $ for. Then sell them. You can buy for $5 each and sell for $40. DO NOT SELL THEM ALL! KEEP AT LEAST ONE. Keep doing this over and over. It took me about an hour but i made 2.5mill. One other tip it to upgrade the ware house to hold more items. Then just keep buying over and over, sell in one lump sum. I was making $450,000 off them in one sale.
One more thing i saw online to get health. I keep my game window and my TIME SETTINGS open and reset the time forward two (2) hours then switch back to game. Tricks the game into thinking (2) two hours have went by. Refills health.

Sep 6, 2019


Answer from: Dai
Is there any point in continuing once have all buildings and have run out of scrap?

Sep 9, 2019


Answer from: Jake
I literaly just glitche the game made it give me gems ever time i log into it and i have concrete factory lvl 10 brick factory lvl 10 forestry lvl 10 all but like 5 parking spots all the ramps lvl 3 almost maxed buildings for storage and i managed to figure out if u use the instant sell button on an expensive car and a cheep one at the same time and click on the expensive one press next car button it makes a 150$ car turn into a 50,000$ car

Sep 9, 2019


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Name: Jamar Nader

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